Central Library

The school operates all its academic programs in a cost-effective but incomparably well- built infrastructure and interiors attired with an A-class furnishing decor proffering a prolific and congenial learning environment. The college premises are amicable.

Pokhara University Central Library (PUCL) was established in 1999 with the establishment of Management Campus. The library has more than 21,000 volumes of books. In addition, there are the collection of periodicals, theses, journals, magazines and newspapers. This library is automated with LIBRA software from which all internal tasks such as book and patron management are being carried out by the software.


Library Rules

  • Library follows an open access system in the circulation section and closed access system in the reference section.
  • Users have free access to the shelves to take out the books and can borrow for home study on the basis first come first serve.
  • Books returned on a day will be issued on the next day only. All the books must be returned on or before the due date otherwise, he/she will be charged Rs 2.00 per day.
  • Bags, food, mobile communication, group discussion, listening to music loudly are prohibited inside the library.
  • A library card is non-transferable and valid until the completion of the theoretical examination of final year examination.
  • User requires to bring a book along with ID card present to issue counter in circulation section.
  • Reference books, rare books, Thesis, periodicals & CDs old questions are not allowed to bring outside the premises of the library but can make photocopy/copy with permission of authorized staffs inside the premises of the library.
  • Underlining, scrabbling, tearing of pages and/or other types of mutilation of the book is strictly prohibited.
  • After use, readers are requested to put the books on the tables.
  • Members must replace the books if it is lost with the latest edition along with overdue charges if any. If they are not able to replace the book, they are required to pay twice the latest price of the book + overdue charges if any.
  • The books, which are in high demand or if not found to borrow then such books can be reserved in the following conditions. a) Reservation is done only in Friday. A borrower can submit one reservation slip mentioning author & the title of the book along with his/her name & ID No. b) Reservation intimations are sent on Sunday of every week & issued only for 7 days.


 Library Section and Office Hours

Circulation Section

Issue membership, keep the record of entire books of circulation section, issued and returned books, and books in a loan.

  • Summer: 6.30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Winter: 6.30 am to 3.30 pm

Reference Section
Maintain the record of study materials kept in the reference section, make available study materials to users inside the section. E copy of journals and books, reports and thesis also available

  • Summer: 6.30 am To 6.00 pm
  • Winter: 6.30 am To 5.00 Pm

Library remains close during public holiday and Saturday



  • Permanent teachers and staffs and Students can get a membership with fulfilling application form along with auto-size photographs.
  • Membership fee Rs. 100 for students. In case loss of card, he/she will get another duplicate card paying Rs. 100 fee.

Loan Privilege:
Members are entitled to take a book on loan as:



  No. of books at a Time     

 Period of loan      

 Students (Bachelor Level)  


 1 month

 Students (Master Level) 


 1 month



 1 semester 



 1 month


 Human Resources of PUCL

Total staffs : 13 staff, Technical staff: 3, Non-technical : 10

Hemanta Raj Kadel

Deputy Administrator (Library)                   

Phone: +97761561737
E-mail: pucl@pu.edu.np


Min Kumari Dallakoti

Assistant Administrator (Library)                           




 Reference Section

For detail information, please visit the webpage of PUCL: https://pu.edu.np/library


 Photographs of Library: