Project Work is compulsory for the students of BBA and BBA-BI program. Students are required to do an independent project that involves fieldwork and its empirical analysis. The objective of project work is to develop students’ skills in research, particularly in areas of data collection, processing, analysis, and report writing. Through this PW, students gain a new perspective into the real world. It is also an excellent networking platform for students to get acquainted with people from different organizations, business backgrounds, skills, expertise, etc. This will improve the student’s networking skills and also expand their networking group. Specifically, the objectives of the PW include:

  • To provide an opportunity for the student to integrate classroom knowledge and practice.
  • To enable graduate students to do an independent study to reflect a creative endeavor that can make some contribution to knowledge in a given field.
  • To develop students’ ability to read professional literature, reports, and other works critically in their design, treatment of data, and conclusions.
  • To strengthen the ability of students in presenting their research work in a clear, concise, and logical

Responsibilities of the Committee

  • To carry out the orientation program to enhance the research knowledge and skills of students, assist to select the topic of the project work, proposal development and construction of the questionnaire.
  • To defence the project work proposals, assign the supervisors, organize the viva, evaluate the reports and forward the marks to the concerned authority.
  • To provide feedback to the Research Management Cell, Graduate Research Project Committee, and Faculty Research Grants Committee for the betterment of the research quality of the university.
  • To keep the details record of the topic of the Project Work Report, keep the electronic copy of the report.
  • To provide an opportunity for the student to integrate classroom knowledge and practice.


Project Work Committee implements the project work. Currently, the committee comprises 3 members including the coordinato

 Dr. Rabindra Ghimire 

Associate Professor










Dr. Pradeep Sapkota

Assistant Professor




Bharat Raj Wagle

Assistant Professor
