School encourage to students to participate in sports and extra curriculum activities. They have the opportunity to participate in a variety of extracurricular activities during their time at school from sport, music, and dance to personal development and community service programs. There are range of benefits that come from involvement in these programs such as they obtain the knowledge of goal setting, time management, and problem solving.
Extracurricular activities are great to include on a resume as evidence of well-rounded interests and skills. Participation in sport can indicate that a person has the ability to lead the team and work as part of a team, the drive to reach and improve on goals and the commitment to attend regular training sessions and build valuable social skills, develop the confidence and determination, as well as having a passion for a non-academic activity. Sports and extra activities have a great benefits to our students that helps to boost up the analytical thinking, public speaking, reckoning habit and supportive culture.
School observes the "sports week" ever year and provides supports to students to organize extra curricular activities frequently.