Research Management Cell

The Research Management Cell (RMC) was established in 2nd Ashar, 2074 with a goal of promoting and enhancing the quality of the school’s research capabilities. The school recognizes that through exploration and validation of novel ideas in research, innovation and other intellectual activities, new frontiers of knowledge are discovered. In order to promote and strengthen the research capacity, the key activities performed by the RMC are offering faculty research grants, organizing research workshops and training, providing research resources and facilities to faculties and students, and to co-ordinate the overall research activities of the school. The RMC carries out its operations as per the RMC guidelines formulated. 


Responsibilities of RMC

The key roles and responsibilities of the RMC are:

  • To equip the Research Management Cell with necessary infrastructure, reading materials, reference materials, research journals, software and educational equipment.
  • To create an amicable research environment in School close coordination with the University Grants Commission and other research-related organisations in order to encourage faculty, student, staff in research activities.
  • To organize seminar, training, interaction, workshop, colloquium to improve the research quality, disseminate the research findings and to establish a good relationship among similar organisations.
  • To prepare the research proposal and submit to different organisations for collaborative and institutional research.
  • To promote the culture of research among the faculties and research.
  • To organize training, workshops and seminars aimed at developing research skills of the faculties and students.
  • To publish the journal of the school regularly following a stringent peer-review process.           
  • To collaborate with Pokhara University Research Centre, industries and other organizations for the research activities.
  • To coordinate the Faculty Research Grants Committee, Graduate Research Project Committee, Project Works Committee and other research-related activities of the school, get feedback on a regular basis.


The School of Business received support from the UGC Nepal for the establishment of the RMC in the school. 

The RMC guideline has been formulated for the operations of the RMC.


 Research Management Committee Members

Currently, the committee comprises 5 members including the coordinator.



Prof. Dr. Gyaneshwor Sharma


Dr. Bal Ram Bhattarai

Associate Professor 


Dr. Pradeep Sapkota

Assistant Professor 


Mr. Ghanashyam Tiwari

Assistant Professor 



 Mr. Pramod Giri

Deputy Administrator 
