Research is an important proposition of the School of Business. MBA student requires to carry out original research works and submit the report which is coined as Graduate Research Project in the final trimester. Graduate Research Project (GRP) is a partial requirement for the fulfillment of the MBA degree. The report needs to follow the scientific research methods and present the study report in the prescribed format to be acceptable by the university. 

Responsibility of GRP Committee 

  • To prepare the detail guidelines of the GRP report and set the standards of the report. 
  • To carry out the orientation program, training, workshop, and interaction program to enhance the research knowledge and skills of students and supervisors, share the experience among the faculties, supervisors, experts, and external evaluators.
  • To the defence, the research proposals, assign the supervisors, assign the internal evaluators to review the report, organize the viva, evaluate the reports and forward the marks to the concerned authority.
  • To explore the relevant, genuine, and important issues and suggest to students to carry out the research on these issues, coordinate with industries to explore the genuine issues and encourage the students for the research on the contemporary research area.
  • To provide feedback to the Research Management Cell, Graduate Research Project Committee, and Project Works Committee for the betterment of the research quality of the university.
  • To keep the inventory of research students, alert the students who have less than six months period to complete the period.

List of GRP reports of MBA of Pokhara University

List of Master Thesis

Download GRP Guidelines




GRP committee comprises of 4 members as follows:



 Dr. Bal Ram Bhattarai

Associate  Professor


Dr. Deepamala Shrestha

Assistan Professor


Mr. Yog Raj Lamichhane

Assistan Professor



 Mr. Laxman Bastola

Head Assistant
