Plagiarism Policy

Journal of Business and Management: Plagiarism Policy


Definition of Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the act of presenting someone else's work, ideas, or intellectual property as one's own without proper attribution. This includes, but is not limited to, copying and pasting from published sources, paraphrasing without appropriate citation, and submitting someone else's work under one's name.

Consequences for Plagiarism: Authors found to have engaged in plagiarism will face serious consequences, including but not limited to the rejection of the submitted manuscript, withdrawal of published articles, and a ban on future submissions to the Journal of Business and Management. In cases of severe or repeated plagiarism, the matter may be reported to the author's institution and relevant authorities.

Proper Citation Practices: Authors must adhere to proper citation practices when incorporating the work of others. This includes citing the original source for direct quotes, paraphrased content, and ideas. Citations should follow the prescribed format outlined in the journal's style guide. Failure to provide accurate and complete citations may be considered a form of plagiarism.

Guidelines for Authors:

  1. Originality: Authors must ensure that their submissions are original works and have not been published elsewhere. The originality index should be less than 15%.
  2. Attribution: Properly attribute all sources used in the manuscript. Any material obtained from others, even if not directly quoted, must be appropriately credited.
  3. Citation Style: Follow the citation style specified in the journal's guidelines consistently throughout the manuscript.
  4. Self-Plagiarism: Do not engage in self-plagiarism by submitting substantially similar work to multiple journals without proper disclosure.
  5. CrossCheck: All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to plagiarism checks using tools like CrossCheck to identify any potential instances of plagiarism.


Ethical Writing Practices: Authors are expected to adhere to the highest standards of ethical writing. This includes honesty, transparency, and the provision of accurate and verifiable information. Authors should disclose any conflicts of interest and ensure that their work contributes meaningfully to the academic community.


Note: No fee is required to publish an article in this journal.