The Faculty Research Grants Committee facilitates the entire activities related to faculty research. FRGC calls proposal, evaluate and recommend for the award, evaluate the research reports and recommendation for the financial support. School provides financial support to successful proposals.
Responsibilities of the Committee
- To formulate the guidelines, procedure, criteria for the evaluation of the research proposal in order to maintain the integrity and quality of the research works within the framework developed by the Academic Council of University and Pokhara University Research Centre.
- To call for a research proposal to faculties of School of Business on a regular basis.
- To evaluate the research proposal based on given criteria, award the contract to the successful research proposal (faculty) and recommend to the management of SOB for research grants.
- To review the progress of research projects, provide suggestions, assist researchers, and recommend the final payment if the report is accepted by the experts.
- To organise the workshop and training to impart the knowledge and skill of faculties on academic research, and suggest relevant, genuine, and important issues for the study.
- To encourage the faculty to disseminate the research findings in the national and international forum, conference and journals.
- To provide feedback to the Research Management Cell, Graduate Research Project Committee, and Project Works Committee for the furtherance of the research quality of the university.