The three day E- workshop entitled Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking organized by Faculty of Management Studies, Pokhara University in collaboration with Nepal Tourism and Hotel Management College, Pokhara from 25th - 27th August, 2020 has been concluded. The inaugural session of the workshop was chaired by Prof. Hari Bahadur Khadka, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, Pokhara University. Prof. Dr. Radheshyam Pradhan, Central Department of Management, Tribhuvan University was the Chief Guest of the inaugural session. The inaugural session was addressed by Prof. Dr. JB Komaraiah, Department of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Prof. Anand Kumar Jaiswal, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) and Dr. Lokanandha Reddy Irala, Associate Professor, School of Management Studies, Central University of Hyderabad. Dr. Joyeeta Deb Mazumdar, Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Assam University facilitated the workshop as the Resource Person. The workshop comprised of 76 participants where 60 participants represented 14 different higher education institutions of Nepal and 16 participants represented various higher education institutions of India.
The workshop focused faculties and PhD Scholars in the area of economics, management and allied disciplines. This online-based workshop emphasized on basic DEA models for efficiency and productivity measurement. The contents of the workshop were designed meticulously with the objective to provide a healthy balance between theory and hands-on applications. The three day e-workshop was conceived as a task oriented exercise platform where participants learned from the experts and practitioners by solving real problems confronted in different arena. The workshop basically emphasized on fundamental concept of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Technical Efficiency and Estimation and Productivity Growth Analysis.
The three day e-workshop was conducted through electronic platform (Zoom) and was interactive in nature where participants freely raised questions and participated in real life exercises. Exposure to software was also provided. The sessions were conducted from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.