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Publications and Presentations:
Face and Eyes: The Loudspeakers in Communication published in Divyaprabha, February 2015
New Historicism: The Improvised Interpretation of Traditional History published in Perspectives on ELT, January 2016
Non- verbal Skills: Unavoidable in Communication published in REPOSITIONING, January 2016
Rewriting the History Through the Standpoint of Margin: A Rewriting of B.P. Koirala's Atmabrittanta published in Literary Studies, March 2016
A paper presented on Role of Aristotelian Appeals in Influencing Consumer Behavior presented in International Conference on Business, Society and Governance: Emerging Management Paradigm held at Pokhara (26th to 28th February, 2017) organized by School of Business, Pokhara University
Role of Aristotelian Appeals in Influencing Consumer Behavior published in Journal of Development and Social Engineering, December 2017
A paper jointly presented on Mountain and Life: An Inquiry of Symbiosis in Sarubhakta's The Peak presented in 37th Annual International Conference held at Pokhara (1st to 2nd March, 2018) organized by Literary Association of Nepal (LAN)
Co-authored in an article Behavioral Factors Influencing Individual Investor’s Decision Making and Performance: A Survey at Nepal Stock Exchange published in Journal of Management & Development Economics, December 2018
Completed Research Project:
Behavioral Factors Influencing Individual Investor’s Decision Making and Performance: A Survey at Nepal Stock Exchange, Faculty Research Grant Award Funded by Pokhara University Research Committee, 2018
Ongoing Research Project:
Decoding Rhetorical Figures: An analysis of The Brand Slogans of the Commercial Banks In Nepal, Faculty Research Grant Award, 2019 Funded by School of Business, Pokhara University
Trainings and Workshops:
Workshop on Applied Research Methodology (31st May to 6th June, 2012) that was organised by School of Business, Faculty of Management, Pokhara University in Pokhara
Workshop on Research Methodology ( 22nd to 25th June, 2014) which was jointly organised by School of Business, Faculty of Management, Pokhara University and University Grants Commission (UGC) in Pokhara
English Language Teaching Workshop (17th December, 2014) which was organised by Oxford University Press in Kathmandu
Four-Day training on Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning in Climate Change (7th to 10th August, 2015) which was jointly organised by Curriculum Development Center, Pokhara University and Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Government of Nepal in Kathmandu
One-Day workshop programme on Technical Communication part I and II (21st January 2016) which was jointly organised by School of Business, Faculty of Management, Pokhara University and Buddha Publications in Kathmandu
Four-Day training on Qualitative Research (29th October to 2nd November, 2017) which was jointly organised Central Queensland University Australia and Pokhara University, Nepal
Five-Day Z-Camp on Entrepreneur Innovation (21st to 25th January, 2018) that was organized by NITEC and Pokhara University in Pokhara
FDP in Indian Institute of Management- Ahmedabad (14th May to 31st August, 2018) in India
Job Experience:
Have been teaching English, Business Communication, Logic, Law, and Managerial Communication largely at School of Business, Faculty of Management Studies, Pokhara University for last 10 years, some years in Laxmi Adarsha Multiple Campus, and in Mahendra Higher Secondary School at Pokhara too