The Journal of Business and Management
School of Business, Pokhara University
The Journal of Business and Management
School of Business, Pokhara University
Date: July 07, 2023
Call for Papers
The Journal of Business and Management (JBM) is an annual peer-reviewed journal published by the School of Business, Pokhara University, Nepal. It aims to publish papers of high quality, originality, and relevance to appeal to leading researchers and professional managers. We are pleased to announce a call for research papers to the new issue (Vol. VIII, Issue II, 2023) that focus on quantitative and qualitative analysis of any pertinent area(s) of business and management relevant to developing nations based upon original ideas and research. The journal publishes research articles in the following areas but not confined to:
Accounting,finance and applied economics
Marketing, tourism and entrepreneurship
General management, strategic management, organizational development, project management and operation management
Human resource management and industrial relations
Corporate governance, business communication and management information system
Other disciplines provided an application to management.
The papers should have a substantial contribution to the business and management sectors. It should be empirical, technically well-crafted, within the scope of the journal, and original.All papers will be double-blind reviewed following the journal's review policy.
For complete details, please visit:
For correspondence:
Submission links:
Important Dates:
Final date for manuscript submission: August 31, 2023
Review process: September 1 to October 1, 2023
Reviewer's comments notification: October 2 to October 5, 2023
Resubmission of corrected papers: October 28, 2023
Final publication notice to the authors: November 20,2023 Journal publication: December 31, 2023
The Journal of Business and Management
School of Business, Pokhara University
P.O.Box No: 201, Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal
Tel: 00977-061-504147
Thank you for considering JBM- The Journal of Business and management as a publication
We look forward to reviewing your research effort.